School System
Each student of the school is a member of one of the four Houses, i.e., Hope, Peace, Charity and Joy. The House system is an integral part of schools, and helps in co-ordinating various activities in the corporate life, and leads to the building up of esprit de corps and camaraderie of a lasting nature among students. Each House is placed under a House Master who is directly responsible for the discipline and general well-being of the members of the House.
They are assisted in their tasks by a team of tutors and Dorm Parents, the latter attending to the material administration of the dormitory. Dormitory Nurses, with special aptitude for looking after even very young children have been employed, so that the personal needs of these children are carefully attended to. Regular Inter-House competitions are held throughout the year in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which foster healthy competitive spirit. The House vies with one another to keep the house flag aloft and win the coveted Cock-House trophy.

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